Geeks Who Get Paid

Minisode 1 | How to Put Twitch on Your Resume

Ami Defesche Episode 1

So you want to add Twitch streaming to your resume? In this minisode, Ami talks about how you can highlight the best aspects of your Twitch streaming journey to get you in the door for your dream job. 

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Greetings Geekpreneurs! It's time for a solo-sode where I want to talk about something a little different--How can you translate your Twitch skills into a regular paycheck at a traditional 9-5 job. That's right, we're going to talk about how to use Twitch streaming on your resume! 

First, there are 3 key points to line us up for success here, and we'll go into detail for each one. 

Number one: Even if you make no money at all, Twitch streaming is a business! We're going to learn how to define your Job Title and Description.

Number two: Metrics SELL. It's important to know the right metrics to show your drive and value to a potential employer. 

Number three: It's more than just the streaming. You have platform knowledge, hardware knowledge, marketing skills, and more that go into any Twitch channel. We'll find the right place to highlight those. 

But, before we even get started with resume building at all, let's talk about what comes before that: What kind of jobs can you get with Twitch experience?

The answer: Quite a few! Anything in the realm of marketing, communications, social media and community management, even video and live event production--you have the skills! Look for things like "Social Media Manager," "Community Manager," "Content Marketing," and any permutations thereof. 

Once you find a position, or a few, that are saying "dream job" to you, let's get to work! 

First, let's define what your job title and description are as a streamer. With the flexibility to define your own role, ou can tailor this to the job you're applying for. Here at Geeks Who Get Paid, I use "Owner & Creative Director," to show that I am not only the leader of my own platform, but the creative mind behind the content. 

You can consider things like, "Independent Content Creator, "Digital Media Specialist," "Director of Community." Mix and match a couple to convey the breadth of what you do. 

If none of these resonate with you, try taking a look at job boards on sites like LinkedIn and Indeed. Enter a keyword that aligns with what you want to do, like "Community" or "Social Media" and see what comes up. You can use those to inspire your own job title. 

It’s also possible that using more Twitch-specific terms could be a benefit, for example, if the job will involved using the platform in some way. Then, you can consider “Twitch Partnered Streamer” or “Independent Creator at” But, use these if you know your potential employer will know and appreciate what that means.

Quick note: When choosing the “employer” for your newly selected job title, don’t just put “” We don’t want people thinking that Twitch employed you. I would recommend either using “Self-Employed” or using the name of your channel/platform.

Next, description. What did you do for your channel? Since you can't just say "everything," let's break it down, keeping in mind that we want to highlight the things that will bring value to the business where you're applying. Consider things like:

  • Designed and executed weekly video stream content on
  • Edited and published weekly video content to YouTube and other social media outlets
  • Built and maintained an engaged social media following
  • Graphic design and promotional marketing to drive live event attendance 

If you’re a partnered streamer and have subscribers, have sponsors of any kind, or have some form of income like a Patreon account, your options grow! Something like:

  • Designed and executed a successful monthly subscription model and associated sales funnel
  • Built and maintained a unique content strategy for paying subscribers 
  • Built a steady monthly income stream with X brand affiliate partners 

So, now we have an impressive job history at your own business!

Now, time to prove how impressive you are with the data to back it all up. Let’s select a few of the bullet points above and really round out our job description. I’ll use myself as an example.

Ami Defesche

Owner and Creative Director at Geeks Who Get Paid

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Designed and executed weekly video stream content on for a subscriber base of 1,200.
  • Edited and published weekly video content to YouTube and other social media outlets, resulting in an average if 10% channel growth MoM.
  • Built and maintained a unique content strategy for paying subscribers resulting in a 95% retention rate.

Not everything needs a number behind it. Skills like graphic design or video production are valuable all on their own, while your ability to grow an audience or income may need some data proof. As a best practice, add proof wherever you can.

Sometimes you may feel like your numbers aren’t terribly impressive. Bragging that you broadcast to an average viewership of 3 may not feel good. But, if you had 3 viewers 6 months ago and today you get 15…that’s a 500% increase! See where I’m going with this? 

Resumes are all about making you look your best. Find and present the best data to highlight your strengths. If the numbers don’t do you justice, leave them out! But, try to have at least 1 or 2 data points you’re proud of.

Finally, let’s add in all of those important skills. Most resumes have a “Relevant Skills” section where you list the relevant software, hardware, and technical skills you have relevant to the job. Twitch streaming takes a lot of skills in a lot of areas, so cherry pick the best ones for the job you’re applying to. Here are some ideas:

Marketing / Social Media:

  • Social media scheduling platforms like Hootsuite
  • Graphic design solutions like Photoshop or Canva
  • Analytics tools like Google Analytics
  • Monetization tools like Patreon or Amazon Affiliates

Content Creation:

  • Video production skills and software like Final Cut; OBS, etc.
  • Graphic design software.

You get the idea.🙂 No need to list anything and everything. Just the items you know will really perk the ears of a recruiter!

And that’s that! Of course, this is only a small section of a full resume. Now it’s your turn to fill in the rest.

If you’d like more resume tips for including other hobbies, or crafting a bomb executive summary, let me know in the comments! I’d love to talk about it more.

For now, go forth and rock some job interviews! 

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Until next time!